Library newsrack
Library newsrack

(6) In such a way as to block access to any bench, seat, or chair placed, installed or maintained for public use within a Public Right Of Way (5) Within fifteen feet (15') ahead of, and five feet (5') to the rear of, any sign or pavement markings designating a bus stop measured parallel to the flow of traffic provided, that Freestanding Newsracks located seven feet (7') or more from the curb, measured perpendicular to the roadway, are exempt from the setback requirements of this Section (4) Within five feet (5') of any driveway (3) Within five feet (5') of any fire hydrant, fire call box, police call box, or other emergency facility (2) Within fifteen feet (15') of the curb return of any unmarked crosswalk, measured from the curb return (D) any blue curb or other designated disabled parking zone. (B) any wheelchair curb ramp not located on a marked crosswalk (f) No Freestanding Newsrack shall be placed, installed or maintained: (e) Freestanding Newsracks shall comply with all accessibility standards of the Americans with Disabilities Act. (d) Freestanding Newsracks may be placed, installed or maintained next to each other provided that no group of Newsracks placed along a curb shall extend for a distance of more than sixteen feet (16'). (c) No Newsrack shall be placed on a sidewalk opposite another Newsrack or kiosk which distributes Publications.

library newsrack

(b) No Freestanding Newsrack shall be chained, bolted, or otherwise attached to any property not owned by the permittee unless the permittee has obtained from the owner of the property and from the Public Works Inspector written permission to do so. Freestanding Newsracks placed adjacent to the wall of a building shall be placed parallel to said wall and not more than six inches (6") from the wall Freestanding Newsracks placed at the edge of sidewalk furthest from the curb shall be placed parallel to, and within six inches (6") of, the edge of such sidewalk. Freestanding Newsracks placed near a curb shall be placed not less than eighteen inches (18") nor more than twenty-four inches (24") from the edge of the curb. (a) Freestanding Newsracks shall only be placed near a curb or adjacent to the wall of a building. Modular Newsracks shall be placed in accord with section 17.12.030. This section shall only apply to Freestanding Newsracks. Please visit our Applications & Forms page for a comprehensive list.17.12.120 UNLAWFUL OBSTRUCTIONS: FREESTANDING NEWSRACKS. Newsrack Distributor Contact Information Form.

#Library newsrack registration

  • Business Registration Certificate (BRC).
  • If the certificate, license, or permit is listed above as a link, please use that link to reference the additional requirements. However, some may require supplemental forms and documents to be submitted as well. Renewal notices are sent as a courtesy by the City of Glendale and should not be considered a timely notice.Ī delinquency penalty will be assessed on all past due licenses/permits pursuant to GMC Title 5 and 6.Īll certificates, licenses, and permits listed above require a Licensing Master Application to be completed. License/permit holders are responsible for the renewal of their licenses and permit prior to their expiration.
  • Taxicab & Non-Emergency Medical Transportation Vehicles.
  • Historic Preservation Ordinances, Community Plan Historic Contexts, and Preservation Elementīelow is a list of the most common certificates, licenses, and permits applied for:.
  • Glendale Register of Historic Resources.
  • Planning Division Applications Submitted.
  • Transportation Demand Management (Chapter 6).
  • Home Occupation Business Permit Requirements.
  • library newsrack library newsrack

    Affordable Housing Commercial Development Impact Fee.Differences Between Federal & State Fair Housing Laws.

    Library newsrack